Over the auspicious period of Chinese New Year, at a time when we head home and share intimate celebrations with our loved ones - THE GUESTLIST, Treehouse, and Juniper Jack Gin collaboration is set to begin. In a testament to this tradition, this is a time in which we are able to be with those who ground us and share our deeply rooted values. 

collaborations share visions

In devoting our efforts, collaboratively, to creating a shared vision of the future together, we invite you to take part. You are invited to become part of the first 300 owners of the ethereal TREEHOUSE GIN by Juniper Jack enrobed in THE GUESTLIST cashmere sleeve - by signing up to be notified of the opening of pre-orders. 

Returning to our roots is a welcome respite during this uncertain time in humanity’s history. Within this intermission, we invite you to pause, to reflect, to assess, to acknowledge, to dream, and to celebrate. Indeed, it is a time to be investing in the celebration, as it is from such a space like this that new ideas are born, visions are cultivated, and creativity is nourished - like branches reaching outwards to unimagined frontiers of innovation, exploration, and growth. 

It is within this image of a deeply rooted, sturdy tree, with fruitful branches reaching towards new visions that this collaboration sits. Just as fruits have within them the seeds for more trees to grow, when the seeds of our innovations are released, dispersed, and fall on fertile ground, inspiration can take root and begin to grow in unimagined ways. As such, a continuous cycle of truly sustainable growth is initiated.


We understand that while each of us is here for a limited amount of time, our impacts are not. 

Both our actions and inactions have further-reaching effects than we know. As proactive and participating Guests to this Earth, we understand the importance of joining together. Collaboration is favored over competition, uncompromised values form our foundations. Short-term adaptability is called for within uncertain times - yet this needs to be coupled with a clear direction. Our shared vision of a sustainable, circular future lies firmly established within this. We are facing challenges that we have never before faced, and this forces each step forward to be taken with a maverick spirit of adventure, and a little risk.

United by a vision, with shared values, working to consciously enhance one another, each collaborator in this project came together to create the fresh, forward-thinking gift you now hold. From the family farm in Croatia that harvests the juniper berries, to the responsibly sourced yarns that have been woven into the unmatched luxury of the cashmere sleeve; from the density of the Vinolok glass that was selected for the bottle, to the years it took to refine the distilling process; by returning to the roots of each core aspect, we are able to expand our vision beyond what we ever thought possible - and create the future, together. 


Who are the collaborators?

1. THE GUESTLIST provides a platform for a global experience, creating connections, conversations, and cultivating an interest in a world beyond sustainability. We aim to path the way towards a more circular future; while understanding that true sustainability is an ever-developing journey and can never be considered a final destination. THE GUESTLIST dedicates itself to creating the future of consciously-made, timeless, slow-fashion products - which can become heritage-pieces, passed on between generations.

2. Chef Christian G. Mongendre seeks to remedy ecological and climate destruction -- the largest systemic errors of our era -- starting with who we are, which is arguably what we eat. 

Through nourishing food and a mindful environment, his restaurant, TREEHOUSE, is a gentle reminder that change starts both with us and within us. 

As living, breathing beings, we have an innate need to be one with nature. Thus, TREEHOUSE was created as a glowing destination, to help us become conscious of this connection, and to allow us the chance to ground, and to balance ourselves. 

It's a nod to the green movement -- with a taste of our futures.


Our success is determined by our sustainable growth within the fashion industry. We supply our customers with quality eco-fashion pieces, ensuring that each garment can be kept and restored to last a lifetime. In light of this, our New Year’s Resolutions for 2021 do not sway exorbitantly from our core values and actions that are already underway.

3. London, 1736 - “The Death of Queen Gin” play sees Juniper Jack take on King George II in a fight for freedom, independence, and a self-determined life - one without violence; but with creativity and the Power of Independent Spirit.

Inspired by this maverick tale, Juniper Jack Gin was born – following two years of countless experiments with exquisite botanicals and distillation processes by founders Jörg Fiedler and Siegbert Hennig. Within each bottle, the essential components are optimally dissolved and bring the aromas to bear perfectly. Intense, powerful, and at the same time incredibly smooth on the palate – the culmination of which is a very rare feat indeed. Made in an old-fashioned distillery in Dresden, the quality standards of the elaborate maceration and process in the small 300-litre copper still do not allow large quantities. With each bottle numbered by hand, Juniper Jack Gin is distinct in its own way.


As Guests to this Earth, THE GUESTLIST recognizes that the way forward for humanity is through favoring collaboration over competition. Collaboration fosters a shared vision between members, and within this, a better future for all can be conceptualized. 



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